

SDL Nobel Delivers Final Gas Lift Closure Spools for bp's CGL project

SDL Nobel Delivers Final Gas Lift Closure Spools for bp's CGL project


最近, Cathal凯利, 项目副总裁, bp, 与bp和Worley项目管理团队一起参观了位于巴库的SDL诺贝尔制造车间. During the visit, SDL Nobel received recognition awards from Mr. Kelly for safety amongst the craft where ca. 510吨钢(310吨结构钢和200吨管道钢)已经通过了一个面积约为1000平方米的制造场. 10,500m2 – and then shipped to the Chirag and DWG platforms for installation.

在过去的23个月里,尽管该国出现了几波COVID,但造船厂的SDL诺贝尔团队仍设法让海上施工人员保持忙碌. The total number of spools released to-date is 906 (approx. total length of spools is 3.1km), 随着最后几个线轴正在进行最后的焊接和喷漆工艺,该团队将完成奇拉格气体举升项目的制造范围.

最近最引人注目的成就之一是现在安装在Chirag平台上的排污系统. It is pre-installed with all the valves, 并在首次交付海外时安装到位,这是R1T原则有效实施的标志.

Cathal凯利说:“很高兴看到团队为他们的无LTI性能感到自豪,并且没有线轴返回制造车间进行修改-这是现实生活中R1T原则的又一个很好的例子. 非常感谢SDL Nobel和Worley团队在bp的监督下为SDL Nobel的安全和高效运营所做的努力. It was great to meet with our contractor teams: Farhad Parvizi, Managing Director at SDL Nobel, Aslan Abdullayev, HSE Manager at SDL Nobel, 丹剪秋罗属植物, Project Lead at Worley.’

值得一提的是,Chirag气举项目预计将于2021年底启动, and it will contribute to incremental production at Chirag.

SDL诺贝尔成立于2016年,旨在提供一流的服务,满足该地区主要国际和本地客户的需求. SDL Nobel采用了诺贝尔石油服务(英国)有限公司和SDL Denholm有限公司的最佳实践,后者是其共同所有人,具有成熟的本地和国际专业知识. SDL Nobel是一家专门为石油和天然气行业提供海上和陆上制造服务的公司. The range of its 服务 covers 制造 and site installation, inspection of fabricated materials, pressure 测试ing of fabricated materials and other 服务.

诺贝尔石油服务公司是一家专业从事石油和天然气行业的多元化集团公司. Companies operating within Nobel Oil Services provide drilling, 建设 and project management as well as equipment maintenance, 采购 and enhanced oil recovery 服务, successfully expanding their activities in these 场s.